Junior Faculty Fellowships

One-term fellowships for tenure-track faculty in the Arts & Sciences.


Junior Faculty Fellowships promote the pursuit of study and research for professional development. The number awarded varies from year to year, granted on the assumption that colleagues and students will benefit from the enlarged perspectives of the selected faculty members.


Assistant Professors in their second term of appointment (4th or 5th year) on or before July 1 of the academic year in which the fellowship is to be taken.


Reappointment materials serve as the application.  In addition to the reappointment materials being submitted, the leave requires submission of a scheduling plan via the Faculty Schedule Adjustments.
If combining a Junior Faculty Fellowship and sabbatical, a separate request must be submitted to the department chair for the sabbatical as well as updating the scheduling plan via the  Faculty Schedule Adjustments.

If combining a Junior Faculty Fellowship and sabbatical, a separate request must be submitted to the department chair for the sabbatical approval.


One term of released time and supplemental funds which are not to exceed $700.

Fund Administration

Junior Faculty Fellowship supplemental funds are administered by the Arts and Sciences Finance Center (ASFC). The faculty member is the responsible account holder for the award. All invoices, business expense reimbursements, and requests for payments are required to be submitted to the ASFC.

In utilizing the allocations provided by this award, individual faculty must adhere to all Dartmouth policies and procedures and must meet all Internal Revenue Service stipulations regarding appropriate expenses and required documentation. All expenses must be reimbursed within the fiscal year in which they are incurred. Accounts should not be overspent. In the event, repayment or reallocations of expense must occur. All items purchased with funding are property of the College. Upon departure from the College, use of the funds and disposition of purchased property is at the discretion of the College.

Please contact the ASFC with any questions.

Expenses and Reimbursement

The Allowable Expenditures and Ineligible Reimbursements listed below are provided for immediate guidance. The Business Expense Policy details these and other expenditures and reimbursements. If there is a question concerning the eligibility of an expense, the expense should be reviewed with an analyst in the A&S Finance Center.

Allowable Expenditures

  1. Business related travel expenses
  2. Business related postal or shipping charges
  3. Capital Equipment, research equipment, materials and supplies
  4. Professional licenses or certification fees; and membership in and/or to professional organizations and periodicals
  5. Scholarly materials (books, journals, periodicals, subscriptions, etc.)
  6. Specialized software and databases, computer peripherals, and data collection costs
  7. Student support for Dartmouth purposes

Payments to individuals for services such as editing, researching, and indexing for publications are allowable, though not eligible as reimbursement. In these cases, invoices for these services are paid directly by Dartmouth as outlined in the Procure to Pay Guide.


Ineligible Reimbursements

  1. Faculty salaries — release time during an academic year or extra salary during a free term
  2. Lifetime memberships in and/ or to professional organizations and periodicals
  3. Office furniture for work or home
  4. Out-of-pocket payments directly to individuals for services (e.g. editing, researching, and indexing payments are paid directly by Dartmouth as outlined in the Procure to Pay GuideContact the ASFC for details.)
  5. Promotional expenses for book publications