Academic Deans & Divisions

Four associate deans oversee the divisions of Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences, and Interdisciplinary Programs, respectively. The dean of graduate studies works closely with the dean of the faculty and has responsibility for an array of programs leading to advanced degrees.

Arts & Humanities

Office of the Associate Dean for the Arts & Humanities

Samuel Levey, Associate Dean for the Arts & Humanities,
Professor of Philosophy

Janet Vaughan, Division Coordinator for the Arts & Humanities

208 Wentworth Hall, HB 6045
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
Tel (603) 646-2015
Fax (603) 646-9090


Office of the Associate Dean for the Sciences

Jane Lipson, Associate Dean for the Sciences,
Albert W. Smith Professor of Chemistry

Christine Ross, Division Coordinator for the Sciences

211 Wentworth Hall, HB 6045
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
Tel (603) 646-1302
Fax (603) 646-9090

Social Sciences

Office of the Associate Dean for the Social Sciences

John Carey, Associate Dean for the Social Sciences,
Professor of Government; John Wentworth Professor in the Social Sciences

Denise RiccioDivision Coordinator for the Social Sciences

203 Wentworth Hall, HB 6045
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
Tel (603) 646-2125
Fax (603) 646-9090

International & Interdisciplinary Studies

Office of the Frank J. Guarini Associate Dean for International and Interdisciplinary Studies

Matthew Delmont, Frank J. Guarini Associate Dean for International and Interdisciplinary Studies,
Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor of History

Cristen Brooks - Division Coordinator for International and Interdisciplinary Studies

301 Wentworth Hall, HB 6045
Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755
Tel (603) 646-8647
Fax (603) 646-9090