Dependent Travel Expenses
Faculty members may draw on their research funds for dependent travel expenses for up to a maximum of $2000 per academic year. Funds from sponsored accounts may only be used if dependent care is explicitly allowed by the sponsor. Please note: this is a taxable benefit.
In order for a payment to be approved the following steps must be followed:
- The travel must be associated solely with professional activities that will clearly advance the faculty member's career, and which could not occur without dependent travel support.
- Before making any travel arrangements, the faculty member must obtain signed approval, using the Dependent Travel Request FormDependent Travel Request Form. Details regarding the purpose of travel and nature of the expense will be required. The form also provides the option to request a gross pay rate of 142.8% of the actual cost to cover the tax burden of receiving a payment for dependent travel expenses (still within the $2000 annual maximum).
- All approvals must be secured in writing in advance of confirming travel arrangements or making any financial commitments.
- Personal funds must be used for the dependent travel expenses. If this presents a financial hardship, please contact the ASFC.
- Within 14 days of completion of travel, all dependent travel receipts must be submitted for processing.
- Payment to faculty for the dependent travel will normally be processed within 14 days of submission of receipts.