Scholarly Innovation & Advancement Awards

Award funding for promising research.


Scholarly Innovation and Advancement Awards provide flexible resources to support development of promising initiatives that would not be rapidly or routinely funded by other mechanisms.


Tenured Associate Professors and Full Professors.


These funds are intended for direct project costs, such as travel, personnel, equipment, etc., and not for supplemental pay (i.e., not intended for release time during an academic year or extra salary during a free term).  Receipts or documentation must be retained and submitted for settling or reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses.


Each year, senior faculty are encouraged to submit proposals for projects that crystallize new ideas, generate new partnerships, and capitalize quickly on promising ideas. A committee of two representatives from the four divisions of the Arts & Sciences reviews these proposals and makes nominations to the Dean of Faculty and Associate Deans, who make the final determination of the awards.

The Dean’s Office sends a request for proposals to members of the faculty during winter term, detailing the submission and selection process.

Expenses and Reimbursement

The Business Expense Policy details these and other expenditures and reimbursements. If there is a question concerning the eligibility of an expense, the expense should be reviewed with an analyst in the A&S Finance Center.