Arts and Sciences Committees

Dartmouth's committees and councils are central to policy-making at the College. The Standing Committees of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences are comprised of elected or appointed faculty members. The committees address academic and educational policies of the College and matters related to student life.

Standing Committees of the Arts and Sciences

Below are the Standing Committees of the Arts and Sciences and their current memberships. To learn more about the functions and objectives of these committees, please refer to the Organization of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Dartmouth College. Arts and Sciences faculty also serve on Councils of the General Faculty. For more information, please visit the Office of the Provost or refer to the ​Organization of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Dartmouth College ​.

Lisa M. LaFlam, Assistant to the Dean for Faculty Committees, (603) 646-2020.


List of Arts and Sciences Committees

Committee of Chairs

Committee on Instruction 

Committee on Senior Fellowships

Committee on Off-Campus Activities

Faculty Coordinating Committee

Committee on Standards/Organizational Adjudication Committee

Committee on Priorities 

Committee on Graduate Fellowships

Committee Advisory to the President

Review Committee

Committee on Organization and Policy

Committee on the Faculty

Title IX Council

Committee on Undergraduate Enrollment and Student Affairs

Committee of Chairs

Comprised of the chairs of the departments and programs of the A&S and several ex officio members, the Committee of Chairs acts on behalf of the A&S faculty in all matters except those involving major changes in policy.

Chairs Of Departments and Programs

Arts & Humanities:


Social Sciences:

Interdisciplinary Programs and Departments:

Ex Officio Members

  • Elizabeth Smith, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (Chair, Ex Officio)
  • Sian L. Beilock, President of the College
  • Sienna Craig (Chair, Committee on Priorities)
  • Eric Parsons, Registrar
  • Cecilia Gaposchkin/Robyn Millan (Co-Chair, Committee on Organization and Policy)
  • Jomysha Delgado Stephen, Executive Vice President for Strategy and Special Counsel to the President

Faculty Coordinating Committee

The Faculty Coordinating Committee identifies and approves items to be placed on the agendas of meetings of the Committee of Chairs and the Faculty of Arts & Sciences. The Committee coordinates the work of the committees and councils and assists the Dean of Faculty in the elaboration of matters of policy and implementation strategies.

Committee on Priorities

The Committee on Priorities formulates, articulates, and promotes the priorities of the faculty of the A&S as they relate to the budget and allocation of resources.

Review Committee

The Review Committee, at the request of the Dean of Faculty, reviews matters of academic freedom as brought forth by faculty members, certain recommendations for disciplinary actions, and appeals by faculty members regarding reappointment, promotion, and tenure decisions.

Committee on Organization & Policy

The Committee on Organization and Policy considers and makes recommendations on general policies which affect the faculty. The Committee ensures that committees and councils are fully invested and representative of the voting faculty members of the Arts & Sciences.

Title IX Council

Title IX Council

The Title IX Council consists of fair and impartial decision-makers, and is separate and distinct from the Title IX Team.  The Title IX Council consists of twenty-four elected members of the General Faculty, including fifteen members from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and three members from each of the other three faculties, serving staggered three-year terms. All members of the Title IX Council will receive appropriate training to participate as informed and impartial decision-makers.

The Chair of the Title IX Council, after consultation with the Title IX Coordinator and the Dean, will appoint an Ad Hoc Hearing Committee ("AHHC") consisting of five (5) Faculty Members from the Title IX Council who have been trained in resolution of reports of Prohibited Conduct under the Policy. The role of the AHHC is to serve as a safeguard on the reliability and accuracy of the investigator's findings and conclusions through the hearing process described in the Process For Resolving Reports Against Faculty document.

Committee on Instruction

The Committee on Instruction is responsible for reviewing matters relating to educational policies, including those pertaining to the curriculum, undergraduate degree requirements, majors and minors, culminating experience, First-Year seminars and advising, among others.

Committee on Off-Campus Activities

The Committee on Off-Campus Activities manages matters relating to off-campus educational programs and activities, including the submission of proposals for new programs and changes to existing programs.

Committee on Standards/Organizational Adjudication Committee

The Committee on Standards reviews and takes action on alleged violations of the Academic Honors Principle and the Code of Conduct, cases of unsatisfactory scholarship, certain student petitions, and rules concerning the disciplinary system.

Committee on Undergraduate Enrollment and Student Affairs

The Committee on Undergraduate Enrollment and Student Affairs is an advisory body to the Dean of the Faculty, the Dean of the College, and the Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid on policies, procedures, and practices pertaining to the recruitment and admission of undergraduates, and the intersection of academics and student life. 

  • Ben Valentino, Dean of the Faculty representative (Co-chair)
  • Anne Hudack, Co-interim Dean of the College (Co-chair)
  • Lee Coffin, Vice President and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid
  • Eric Parsons, Registrar
  • Tim Baker, Assistant Dean of Faculty for Special Projects and Academic Advising
  • Ryan Calsbeek
  • Janice McCabe, House Professor
  • Sachi Schmidt-Hori
  • Amie Thomasson

Committee on Graduate Fellowships

The Committee on Graduate Fellowships evaluates all candidates from Dartmouth for prestigious national scholarships and fellowships, including Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell, Churchill, Fulbright, DAAD, Truman, Goldwater, Luce, Gates and others. The Committee evaluates applications for Dartmouth-funded fellowships and graduate research opportunities for graduating seniors, including the Dartmouth General and Reynolds grants.  

Committee on the Faculty

The Committee on the Faculty has a broad mandate to consider matters that affect the professional development and well-being of the faculty of the Arts & Sciences and to advise the President, the Dean of the Faculty, or other officers of the College in these matters.