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This is an extremely difficult time for many in our community. For those who may be struggling, please take advantage of Dartmouth's wellness resources and Faculty/Employee Assistance Program, which offers confidential counseling 24/7.
Dear colleagues,
I write today regarding the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 court case that made abortion legal across the United States for the past 50 years. Dartmouth has issued a statement in response. This statement reaffirms our commitment to health care access and autonomy for people of all gender identities.
This is an extremely difficult time for many in our community. For those who may be struggling, please take advantage of Dartmouth's wellness resources and Faculty/Employee Assistance Program, which offers confidential counseling 24/7.
With classes having just begun, students may be having a hard time. If you have a student who would like to speak with a counselor, please encourage them to seek help where they feel most comfortable. Dartmouth offers many resources for students at times such as this.
The work we do in our teaching and scholarship to encourage and model open dialogue and discussion has never been more important. Thank you for reminding me every day how grateful I am to be part of a community that is committed to fostering knowledge and critical thinking, and to preparing the next generation of responsible leaders.
Elizabeth F. Smith
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences