Faculty Evaluation Forms and Instructions

Faculty Record Supplement (FRS)

Each year, tenured, tenure track, and research track faculty members complete a Faculty Record Supplement eForm and upload a copy of their latest curriculum vitae. The FRS is designed to offer faculty members the opportunity to provide guidance and information about their accomplishments with their associate dean.

Faculty Timeline and Deadline:

February:  Form available for initial entry

February-March 24*:  Form available for updating

March 25-31:  Review completed form prior to submission, upload current C.V.

April 1:  Deadline for Submission to Chair

*Please do not submit the FRS prior to March 25 as it will be closed to revision following submission.

Instructions for Faculty

​Quick Reference for Faculty​


Chair Deadline:

April 15:  Submit to Associate Dean

Instructions for Chairs



Prior to reappointment, Lecturers and Senior Lecturers complete a  ​​Teaching Faculty Record Supplement​​​ and attach to it a copy of their latest curriculum vitae.  The form is designed to offer faculty members the opportunity to provide guidance and information about their accomplishments with their associate dean.

Reviews are to be conducted by the Department/Program Chair or department/program committee prior to submitting annual reappointment requests for Lecturers and Senior Lecturers.  

Faculty Deadline: Submit to Chair by March 1

Chair Deadline: Submit to Associate Dean's Office by April 1

​​​Teaching Faculty Record Supplement​​​​

Department/Program Evaluation of Teaching Faculty


The Teaching Faculty Record Supplement is prerequisite to submission of the Non-Tenure Appointment Request Form 

​ (also referred to as the Appointment and Reappointment Request Form). The due date for submission of Appointment and Reappointment Requests to your associate dean remains the same, as April 1.

Chair Deadline: Submit to Associate Dean's Office by April 1

Review of Center/Institute Directors

Directors of centers/institutes are reviewed near the end of their designated terms. The review offers a director the opportunity to provide information about their work and to receive feedback from colleagues and students. The review process is slightly different when the director seeks a successive term from when they do not. 

Instructions for Center/Institute Director seeking reappointment

Instructions for Center/Institute Director not seeking reappointment

Notification:       Summer term of the last academic year as center/institute director

Deadline:           End of Fall of the last academic year as center/institute director


At time of appointment, a new faculty member completes a Faculty Record Form with their most recent curriculum vitale to their associate dean.