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Fifteen new full-time-equivalent staff members will be allocated to general administrative support in our academic departments and technical/research support.
Dear colleagues,
As you know, I have been working with President Sian Leah Beilock to address the staffing shortage in the Arts and Sciences. Today I am thrilled to announce that President Beilock has committed funds that will enable us to hire 15 new full-time-equivalent staff members.
These positions will be allocated to two areas: general administrative support in our academic departments and technical/research support. Position descriptions will be crafted, and new hires will be deployed across the Arts and Sciences in consultation with our associate deans and department chairs. Roles will be full- or half-time based on department or program size and complexity.
I am grateful to Maria Anderson, chief finance and operations officer for the Arts and Sciences, for leading an assessment of current staffing levels so that we can address our most urgent needs.
Finally, I want to thank President Beilock for investing in the breakthrough research, creativity, and teaching that define the Arts and Sciences.
With best wishes,
Elizabeth F. Smith
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences