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Dean Elizabeth Smith announced the update to the Dean of Faculty leadership team.
Two associate deans in the Arts and Sciences who have served in their leadership roles since 2021 will extend their terms, Dean Elizabeth F. Smith announced today.
Jane Lipson, Albert W. Smith Professor of Chemistry, agreed to extend her appointment as associate dean for the sciences for two years. Her extended term will end on June 30, 2027.
Matthew Delmont, Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Professor of History, agreed to extend his appointment as the Frank J. Guarini Associate Dean of International Studies and Interdisciplinary Programs for a second four-year term. His extended term will end on June 30, 2029.
"Jane and Matt are both outstanding leaders and I am grateful for their insights and dedication to serving our faculty," Smith said in a message to Arts and Sciences faculty and staff. "Please join me in congratulating Jane and Matt on their extended appointments as associate dean."
As associate dean for the sciences, Lipson supports seven academic departments, including Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth Sciences; Mathematics; Physics and Astronomy; Psychological and Brain Sciences; and the research and fellowship operations of Undergraduate Advising and Research.
Lipson's research focuses on the microscopic nature of complex materials and their macroscopic behaviour. She has been the recipient of a number of awards, including the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award and the American Chemical Society's Arthur K. Doolittle Award. She is a fellow of the American Physical Society, and has served as chair of its Polymer Physics Division.
As associate dean of interdisciplinary studies and international studies, Delmont supports faculty in African and African American Studies; Asian Societies, Cultures, and Languages; Cognitive Science; Comparative Literature; Environmental Studies; Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies; Jewish Studies; Linguistics; Middle Eastern Studies; Native American and Indigenous Studies; Speech; Quantitative Social Science; and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. His division also includes the Frank J. Guarini Institute for International Education and the Writing Program.
An expert on African-American history and the history of civil rights, Delmont is the author of five books. His most recent book, Half American: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad, received the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award. Among his many additional honors, Delmont has received grants from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. He regularly speaks with Fortune 500 companies, universities, and community organizations regarding African American history, civil rights, and how to reckon with the history of racism in America.