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Eighteen staff members across units in the Arts and Sciences marked milestone work anniversaries.
Eighteen staff members across units in the Arts and Sciences recently marked milestone service anniversaries.
Dartmouth employees with milestone anniversaries were treated on Thursday to a buffet meal and live music at the annual service award celebrations, hosted by President Sian Leah Beilock and Chief Human Resources Officer Sara Lester. A luncheon was held for staff with 10- or 15-year anniversaries, and a dinner for staff members with 20 or more years of service.
Beilock emphasized their willingness to go above and beyond in support of Dartmouth's mission, including their influence as "difficult moments" unfolded across many college campuses this fall in response to events in the Middle East.
"I want to just reiterate how proud I am of the Dartmouth campus and what we've been able to accomplish with our kindness, our humility, our ability to listen to difference, and I know you as staff model that every day," Beilock said. "We have a mission here to build the best and the brightest and help them go off to be leaders in the world, to develop the knowledge that will make this world a better place, and you're all such an important part of it."
Reflecting on his 30 years at Dartmouth, John Tansey, director of off-campus programs at the Guarini Institute, says that he feels privileged to work with countless talented faculty, staff, and students as well as colleagues at program locations across the U.S. and around the world.
"Engaging in this work over decades has permitted me to develop many deep and lasting professional relationships and friendships," Tansey says, "and to observe and hopefully contribute in some small way, to the growth of these individuals—personally and professionally—much in the same way they have contributed to my growth and development."
The following staff members in the Arts and Sciences were recognized.
35 Years of Service
30 Years of Service
25 Years of Service
20 Years of Service
15 Years of Service
10 Years of Service