Two Science Publications Feature Dartmouth Researchers as Cover Stories

Recent editions of PNAS, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Smore magazine, a quarterly science publication for kids, feature Dartmouth researchers.

Two science publications published in February feature Dartmouth researchers as cover stories. 

The Feb. 7 cover of PNAS, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showcases an image affiliated with research on disease-causing bacteria by Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Carey Nadell, Benjamin Wucher, Guarini '22, and James Winans, Guarini '25.  The flagship journal of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS is one of the world's most cited and comprehensive multidisciplinary science journals. 

The image depicts how some harmful bacteria may be able to withstand attacks from bacteria and viruses that target them by finding protection inside groups of rival species.

"We were thrilled to receive word from PNAS that our work would have a cover feature," Nadell says. "We work very hard to obtain the best image data that we can—in addition to providing very rich information on the fundamental nature of microbial communities, our imaging work also serves as a reminder of how beautiful the microbial world can be, once it is seen up close."


Nadell lab
Researchers in the Nadell Lab at Dartmouth include, from left, Sofia Garcia, Alice Goldstein-Plesser, Ben Wucher, Matt Bond, James Winans, Jacob Holt, Emilia Simmons, and Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Carey Nadell.

The spring 2023 issue of Smore Magazine, a science quarterly for kids of all ages, features Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil.

"I am truly honored to be the cover feature in the spring issue of Smore Magazine—a science magazine for kids (especially for girls)!" Mutlu-Pakdil wrote on Instagram

A 2018 TED Fellow and 2020 TED Senior Fellow, Mutlu-Pakdil was selected by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Lyda Hill Philanthropies in 2019 to serve as part of a cohort of "AAAS If/Then Ambassadors"—high-profile role models for middle school girls. In addition to funding and elevating women in STEM, the program seeks to inspire girls with portrayals of women in STEM through media and learning experiences.

This past fall, Mutlu-Pakdil could be seen as a life-size 3D-printed statue as part of #IfThenSheCan — The Exhibit, a collection of 120 statues of leading women in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Of that experience, she said: "The exhibit shows everyone what scientists look like, and that science is for everyone."