Dartmouth staff members have served a combined total of 4,914 years.
Dartmouth employees were honored for their years of service at a Dec. 12 luncheon and dinner that marked employment milestones of 10 to 45 years.
The 245 employees recognized this year have collectively served Dartmouth for 4,914 years, said Scot Bemis, chief human resources officer.
Bemis, who served as host of the events, said the staff's excellent work ensures that Dartmouth's primary mission—teaching and research—can reach the highest standards.
"In addition to what takes place in the labs and classrooms, it is your contributions that make Dartmouth College a world-class institution. And for that I want to thank you and have you acknowledge each other," he said.
At a Dec. 12 luncheon and dinner at the Class of 1953 Commons, the College honored staff marking employment milestones, beginning with a lunch celebration for the 51 employees who have served for 10 years and the 69 staffers who have served for 15 years. The dinner event celebrated the 125 staffers with 20 years through 45 years of service, in five-year increments.
Their work is an important part of the College's success, President Philip J. Hanlon '77 told the employees, adding that excellence at Dartmouth is a team effort, and staff plays a crucial role with faculty and students in the institution's success.
In recent years the employee service ceremony has changed, and the Sheila Culbert Distinguished Employee Award is no longer presented at the ceremony. Instead the Culbert Award, the College's highest staff honor, has been incorporated in the Lone Pine Recognition Program, which also established five new awards to honor staff who exemplify Dartmouth's commitment to excellence and core values.
The Lone Pine program awards will be presented at a ceremony on April 29, led by President Hanlon and other senior leaders. Details on the Lone Pine awards are available on the Office of Human Resources website.
The employees recognized for their service this year:
10-year honorees, in alphabetical order: Randy Baker, Kate Barlow, Debra Brown, Jennifer Harris Brown, Chandlee Bryan, Deborah Burnham, Alicea Bursey, Kristi Clemens, Josh Danforth, Faith Goodness, Annie Greenwood, Katja Koeppen, Sarah Maxell Crosby, Jessica McDonough, Joseph McHugh, Matthew Menard, Lamar Moss, Laurie Reynolds Rardin, Hope Rennie, Kathleen Rorison, Terry Sackett, Irma Shamatava, Jessica Smolin, Moya Stevens, Sarah Swanson, Cathy Vollmann, Marge White, Tammara Wood.
Awardees who were not present: Steven Abbott, Scott Achs, Todd Belmont, Nancy Birkrem, Keith Clark, W. James Cook, Zhenping Dong, Jason Downs, Marjorie Godfrey, Chris Grant, Ellen Henderson, Kelly Hyson, Siobhan Jacobson, Ruth Kett, Mindi Laine, Ano Lobb, Peter Menard, Michelle Poisson, Maureen Ripple, John Rose, Christine Ross, Gary Turner, Travis Wilmot
15-year honorees: Andrew Ager, Michael Backman, Heather Darnall, Jodie Davi, Jennifer Durgin, Scott Gerlach, Janet Gilson, Kari Jo Grant, Shane Timothy Harper, Lori Harris, Patricia Harrison, Pam Holbrook, Dianne Ingalls, Liz Koelsch, Craig Langner, Beth Perkins, Tracy Purcell, Karen DeWolf Ricard, Alison Ricker, Joan Robie-Dieter, David Sandberg, Michael Silverman, Matt Trombly, Nyla Waddell, Cindy Welch.
Not present: Jim Alberghini, Sheri Ball, Daniel Billin, Ross Blain, Jesse Blodgett, Sarunas Burdulis, Michael Burns, Peter Carini, Joshua Clark, Beverly Cormier, Kelly Cusick, Laura DeCapua, Heather Drinan, Shelagh Eastridge, Eric Esau, Heather Gere, Dylan Griffin, Jason Gunn, Sadhana Warty Hall, Lori Heath, Deborah Howe, Amy Hunt, Timothy Jameson, Sherry Kuchma, Joshua Landis, Wilfred Levakis, James McCormick, Tracy Moloney, Kevin Morse, Jason Naugler, Cynthia Patch, Mariko Podjuban, Gregg Poretto, Eric Ramsey, Johanna Regan, Joska Reid, Jason Sanville, Jay Satterfield, Khanty Sengpanya, Jennifer St. Laurence, Jennifer Swanson, Susan Tarczewski, Brooke Therriault, Donald Vesper.
20-year honorees: Laurence Bassett, Robert Burnham, Kelly Clark, Jamie Dalton, Carissa Dowd, Abby Fellows, Robin Fuller Pych, Kimberly Hanchett, Holly Harrison, Lance Ilsley, Rob Jodoin, Stacey Kegelman, Annette Lepine, Gary McLean, Barbara Mellert, Catherine Melocik, Carol Millay, Claudia Palmer, Shuling Peng, Richard Pethtel, Sharon L. Reed, Dee Roberts, Lisa M. Stoelting, Jonathan Sylvia, Eugene Thorburn, Christian Vollmann.
Not present: Jason Angell, Kathy Bennett, Natasha P Brown, Mark Carey, Janet Cheney, Chris Clark, Brian Courtemanche, Kathleen Cunneen, Brian Dellinger, Debra Devins, Danada Dinsmore, Conrad James Farnham, Judith Forman, Jennifer Fountain, Sharon French, Mathew Gray, William Hamblen, Christopher Hamilton, Susan Hanifin, James Ibey, Richard Jaros, E.J. Kiefer, Randy Melendy, David Miller, Colleen Murphy, Daniel Nassau, Jessie Palmer, Ellen Parish, Susan Picconi, Sean Plottner, Susan Mannix Remacle, Joshua Shaw, Gregory Timmins, Amy Witzel.
25-year honorees: Toni Bacon, Keith Borgstrom, Renee Brown, Timothy De Pree, Autumn Evans, Myric Fifield, Catherine Follensbee, Jodi Harrington, Terri Hollis, Cheryl Josler, Dana Kennedy, Ingrid Knudsen Schwarz, Bonnie Labrie, Laura LaMontagne, Linda Langley, Marybeth Maloney, Delia Mauceli, Sunnie McPhetres, Hugh Mellert, Nelson Olmstead, Cynthia Stewart, Grover Tyler.
Not present: William Bean, Lynn Coffran, Jane DaSilva, Paul Dionne, Christopher Halford, Lori Laventure, Merilee Perkins, Ann St Onge, Kathryn Whittaker, Matthew Wiencke.
30-year honorees: Ann Betters, Mary Kay Brown, Goodie Corriveau, Stephen Dulli, Jane Lemire, Christine Maute, Mike Murray, Susan Schwarz, Karen Thompson, Heidi Trask.
Not Present: Kate Burke, Peter Dodge, David Gelhar, Stephen Glinos, Leslie Henderson, Lisa LaFlam, Rebecca Rice-Mesec, Bill Slayton, Greg Wadlinger.
35-year honorees: Rebel Lynn Roberts, Sylvie Seguin, Gary Ward, Nien Lin Xie.
Not Present: Scott Durkee, Carlene Eitapence, Patricia Moffitt.
40-year honorees: Fiona Barr, Jane Collins, Daryl Laware, Stephanie Raymond.
Not Present: Marie Doyle, Brett Moses, Tracy Stone.
45-year honoree, not present: Thomas Thornton.
William Platt can be reached at william.c.platt@dartmouth.edu.