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Deborah Nichols, Anthropology
Nichols, Deborah L. Frances F. Berdan, and Michael E. Smith, eds.
Rethinking the Aztec Economy. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Nichols, Deborah L. and Enrique Rodríguez-Alegría, eds.
Oxford Handbook of the Aztecs. Oxford University Press, New York
Sergei Kan, Anthropology
Death in the Early 21st Century: Authority, Innovation, and Mortuary Rites
Co-edited with Sébastien P. Boret and Susan Long, Palgrave McMillan
Lewis Glinert, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Literature
The Story of Hebrew, Princeton Univ Press
Reiko Ohnuma, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Unfortunate Destiny: Animals in the Indian Buddhist Imagination, Oxford University Press
Julie Hruby, Classics
From Cooking Vessels to Cultural Practices in the Late Bronze Age Aegean, Oxbow
James Dobson, English and Creative Writing
Modernity and Autobiography in Nineteenth-Century America: Literary Representations of Communication and Transportation Technologies, Palgrave
Louis Renza, English emeriti
Dylan’s Autobiography of a Vocation, Bloomsbury Academic
Mary Flanagan, Film and Media Studies
Ghost Sentence, Atmosphere Press
Yasser Elhariry, French and Italian
Pacifist Invasions: Arabic, Translation, & the Postfrancophone Lyric, Liverpool University Press
Graziella Parati, French and Italian
Migrant Writers and Urban Space in Italy, Palgrave Macmillan
Veronika Fuechtner (German) and Douglas Haynes (History)
A Global History of Sexual Science, UC Press
Mark Bray, History
Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, Melville House
Joshua Compton, Institute for Writing and Rhetoric
Persuasion and Communication in Sport, Exercise, and Physical Activity
Edited by Ben Jackson, James Dimmock, Josh Compton
David Plunkett, Philosophy
The Routledge Handbook of Metaethics, Routledge
David Plunkett and Tristram McPherson
Ehud Benor, Religion
Ethical Monotheism: A Philosophy of Judaism. Abingdon, UK; New York, NY: Routledge.
Lynn Patyk, Russian
Written in Blood: Revolutionary Terrorism and Russian Literary Culture, 1861-1881, UW Press Wisconson
Antigua Kianny, Spanish and Portuguese
Greña / Crazy Hair, Caracas: Lauki
Mía y el regalo de Guaguau / Mía and the Gift from Guaguau, Sto. Dgo.: loqueleo
Sara Munoz, Spanish and Portuguese
Andando se hace el camino
Calle Y Subjetividades Marginales, Iberoamericana Vervuert
Jose delPino ed, Spanish and Portuguese
El impacto de la metropolis, Madrid: Iberoamericana-Vervuert