Twenty-two scholars in 17 departments are joining the Faculty of Arts and Sciences during the 2022-23 academic year. Here, new faculty members in the sciences describe some of their interests in academia and beyond. (Five additional new faculty members will join science departments in January.)
Rufus Boyack
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Research Focus
My research focuses on understanding the unique properties of matter when it undergoes a phase transition. For instance, when metals are cooled down, at a certain temperature they become superconductors and exhibit zero resistance. Superconductors are vital in applications such as magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear magnetic resonance. In a superconductor, for example, individual electrons can combine together and display a unique collective motion in the form of sound waves that the individual particles do not exhibit.
For Fun
I love reading physics and maths books, and in my spare time I enjoy solving challenging calculus problems.
Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Research Focus
I use the world's largest telescopes to understand the nature of dark matter and galaxy formation by studying the smallest galaxies.
Fun Fact
I love doing charcoal portrait sketches.
Kiara Sanchez
Mellon Faculty Fellow in Psychological and Brain Sciences
Research Focus
I explore how people talk about race and ethnicity, the risks and benefits people with different identities face in these conversations, and strategies to address these challenges. I examine these questions in diverse contexts, including friendships, school, and social media. Through this work, I seek to identify ways to support racial-ethnic identity development, shared racial-ethnic consciousness, and closeness and authenticity in diverse settings.
For Fun
I am a sucker for spicy food and always on the hunt for a great salsa, hot sauce, or spicy vegetarian restaurant.