Academic Honor Principle, Accessibility Services, and Religious Observances

As we prepare for fall term, we'd like to remind you of Dartmouth's Academic Honor Principle, religious observances, and expectations and resources regarding accessibility. 

Dear colleagues,
As we prepare for fall term, we'd like to remind you of Dartmouth's Academic Honor Principle, religious observances, and expectations and resources regarding accessibility.  
In addition, we would like to draw your attention to the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning's resources for syllabus design and course policies. Please also consider engaging with DCAL regarding Universal Design for Learning to better meet the needs of all students. 
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Best regards, 
Elizabeth F. Smith, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Scott C. Brown, Interim Dean of the College
Dartmouth's Academic Honor Principle 
In addition to including the link to the Academic Honor Principle in your syllabus, it is important that you discuss with your students your specific expectations regarding academic integrity and the Honor Principle in your courses. You might also include this resource on proper citation of sources. Additionally, please consider clarifying under what circumstances it is acceptable to you for students to work together or use outside sources on assignments. If you have questions about the Honor Principle, please contact your department/program chair or your associate dean. 
Religious Observances 
Students may wish to participate in religious observances during the academic term. We recommend and ask that you include this language on your syllabi and course Canvas sites:
Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that occur during this academic term. If you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please meet with me as soon as possible, or before the end of the second week of the term—at the latest, to discuss appropriate adjustments. Dartmouth has a deep commitment to support students' religious observances and diverse faith practices.
To assist with calendar planning and awareness of our diverse religious and spiritual community, please refer to the Tucker Center for Spiritual and Ethical Life's holy day calendar. The list represents major holy days which may impact campus events in general, as well as student course attendance, exams, Commencement, and participation in activities in the coming year. If you have any questions about these dates or other concerns, please contact Rev. Nancy Vogele, chaplain and director of the Tucker Center.

Faculty members should also be aware that other days throughout the year may be of cultural significance to students, such as Indigenous People's Day, and should receive similarly appropriate adjustments.

Student Accessibility Services
For detailed information regarding expectations of the faculty to ensure accessibility for students with disabilities, please see Student Accessibility Services' faculty pages.  
In addition, it is required that the paragraph below be included on your syllabi, and we recommend and ask that it be posted to your course Canvas sites: 
Students requesting disability-related accommodations and services for this course are required to register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS; Apply for Services webpage;; 1-603-646-9900) and to request that an accommodation email be sent to me in advance of the need for an accommodation. Then, students should schedule a follow-up meeting with me to determine relevant details such as what role SAS or its Testing Center may play in accommodation implementation. This process works best for everyone when completed as early in the quarter as possible. If students have questions about whether they are eligible for accommodations or have concerns about the implementation of their accommodations, they should contact the SAS office. All inquiries and discussions will remain confidential.