Dartmouth Events

From Surviving to Thriving: Research & Applications on Engineering Thriving

Research seminar with Julianna Gesun, Postdoctoral Research Scholar at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Friday, April 19, 2024
3:30pm – 4:30pm
Spanos Auditorium, Cummings Hall
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars

Optional ZOOM LINK
Meeting ID: 982 3807 0773
Passcode: 481104

Engineering directly impacts the thriving of society, yet the ecosystem for educating engineers has not been traditionally known for thriving. My interdisciplinary research projects represent the first comprehensive investigation of the cognitive, interpersonal, intrapersonal, academic, environmental, and socio-cultural dimensions related to thriving for undergraduate engineering students. I have prepared the following options for participants to choose, based on audience's interest:

  1. Present Research Projects (traditional research talk): How do people study engineering thriving? What are the technical frontiers at which I am active?
  2. Present Applications & Impacts of Engineering Thriving Research: Why does engineering thriving matter? Why should I care?
  3. Experience Research-based Activities that Promote Thriving (audience participation is encouraged): What does engineering thriving feel like? 

At the beginning of the seminar, I will define engineering thriving, introduce its history, discuss its importance, and debunk common misconceptions. Then, I will ask everyone attending the seminar to vote on how you would like to proceed based on the provided options. I will conclude with key takeaways and practical applications of this work for engineering students, departments, and society at large.

For more information, contact:
Amos Johnson

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.