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It brings me great pleasure to recognize faculty members who this past year were promoted, awarded tenure, or appointed to an endowed chair, as well as those who received awards or grants from the Dean of Faculty Office and from the centers and institutes within the Arts and Sciences.
Dear colleagues in the Arts and Sciences,
It brings me great pleasure to recognize faculty members who this past year were promoted, awarded tenure, or appointed to an endowed chair, as well as those who received awards or grants from the Dean of Faculty Office and from the centers and institutes within the Arts and Sciences. Please find this impressive list here.
Combined with the numerous external awards and fellowships that were bestowed on our faculty this past year, these honors reflect the excellence and influence of our world-class scholars. Please join me in congratulating our colleagues on their successes!
Additional newly appointed endowed chairs will be announced in the fall. More information about internal awards and fellowships can be found on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences website.
I look forward to seeing you soon and welcoming the 30 scholars who will join our faculty during the 2023-24 academic year.
With best wishes,
Elizabeth F. Smith
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences